LSP Research & Evaluation
LSP Research Reports
ELF Literacy Screen Report (Optional)
Case Load Report
This report lists the current clients who have been served by each Home Visitor.
Clients are listed under their most recent Home Visitor.
Specify: You can specify the Agency, Program, or the Home Visitor for this report.
Cumulative Scores Report
The Cumulative Scores report displays the history of LSP scores for each client.
Specify: You can choose to prepare reports for all of the clients served by an Agency, a Program, or a Home Visitor, or you may select a specific individual. When you select an Agency or Program, the most recent Agency or Program will be used in selecting the matching.
If the client has LSPs with columns that conflict, a notice will appear at the bottom of the report, informing you that there may be LSPs that could not be printed.
The standard 36-month version of the Cumulative Scores Report:
The optional 60-month version of the Cumulative Scores Report:
ELF Literacy Screen Report (Optional)
The ELF Literacy Screen Report is included with the Health Literacy option of LSP Data.
This report summarizes the LSPs that indicated clients were At Risk for Low Literacy. Clients at risk for low health literacy if they have less than 12 years of education and one "No" answer to the two ELF Literacy questions, which are:
- Are you currently living with your child's other parent (FOB=father of the baby)?
- Do you ever read for fun?
Similar to the LSP Scales Reports, this report shows the distribution of parental LSPs by number and percentage at intake, closing, and with increasing months of service, as well as parental LSPs that indicated a client was "Not at Risk" and who met the Targets for Scale 14 with an LSP score of 2 or higher.
Note: The 60-month option of LSP Data extends the period for this report to 60 months.
The standard 36-month version of the Health Literacy Screen Report:
The optional 60-month version of the Health Literacy Screen Report:
LSP Scales Reports
The LSP Scales Reports consist of four data summaries for each of the 43 LSP Scales.
Specify: You can specify an Agency, a Program, a Home Visitor, an Ethnic group, adult client's sex, or a Medical Condition to determine the cohort of LSP scores to be included in each Scale report.
Each Scale Report includes the distribution of scores by:
- The Number of LSPs administered over a period of time (e.g., Initial LSPs, Ongoing LSPs administered during the first year of service, from 12 to 18 months, 18 to 24 months, and so on up to 36 months).
- The distribution of scores by Percent of LSPs administered over a period of time. Target scores for that Scale are shaded. (Scores of Zero are not included in the calculations of percentage. distribution.)
- The number and percentage of LSPs that scored within the Target Range for a given LSP Scale at the various time frames.
- The number and percentage of LSPs that scored within the Target Range at Intake and at Closure over the given time frames (Intake to Closure).
The standard 36-month version of the LSP Scale Report:
The optional 60-month version of the LSP Scale Report:
Multiple Programs Comparison Report (Optional)
This report prepares the Target Range data summary from the LSP Scales Reports for each Program for each LSP Scale. Its purpose is to allow comparison of Program performance.
The most effective programs would show the highest increase from Intake through the different periods of service or would have percentages greater than 95 percent , indicating that client improvements were maintained.
The standard 36-month version of the Multiple Program Comparison Report:
The optional 60-month version of the Multiple Program Comparison Report:
Next LSP Reminder Report
This report displays the current adult clients for whom an LSP is due in the next 30 days (from the day the report is created). Clients are included in the report if their last LSP occurred 6 months or more before the end of the 30 day window (six months before 30 days from today).
Specify: You may specify the Agency, Program, or a Home Visitor for this report.